Stephen Affear Ochalla

Dublin Core


Stephen Affear Ochalla


Stephen Affear Ochalla is a theatre practitioner, musician and choreographer. He was born in Akobo in 1969 and moved to Khartoum in August 1985 due to the second Sudanese civil war. Stephen credits his mother for an early introduction and support in learning about the arts. He earned a diploma in Acting and Directing from the Palace of Youth and Children in Omdurman and a diploma in choreography and dance creation from the Fontys for Dance Academy in the Netherlands. Stephen was active in the field of culture and the performing arts in Khartoum, collaborating with northern Sudanese artists, such as Igd el Jalad, and initiating several groups, including SAO drama group, TEMPO drama group and a dance troupe affiliated with the Catholic Church. Stephen was one of the founders and the Artistic Director of Kwoto Cultural Center in Khartoum, training South Sudanese youth in cultural dances and producing more than 25 plays between 1994 – 2004. He also established Orupaap Cultural Foundation in 1987 in Khartoum, which continues to be active in the field of performing arts in Juba. Stephen facilitated the Story Circles on Anyuaa songs and dances and Anyuaa beadwork.

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