Sebit Fandas Masuwa

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Sebit Fandas Masuwa


Sebit Fandas Masuwa is a musician and music teacher. He was born in 1964 in Ibba county, Western Equatoria State and had just started primary school in Maridi, when the first civil war forced him to relocate to Khartoum in 1969. He resumed his studies in 1970, and eventually graduated with a diploma from the High Institute of Music and Drama in Khartoum, which later became affiliated with Sudan University. He has released three studio albums and has composed over fifty original songs. His work has been composed and produced in both Khartoum and Juba, where he currently lives in Hai Zande neighborhood. Sebit facilitated the Story Circles on the gugu (slit drum), Zande dances and Zande songs.

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