Esther Liberato Bagi Rasas

Dublin Core


Esther Liberato Bagi Rasas


Esther Liberato Bagi Rasas is a writer, actress and producer. She was born in 1964 in Juba. Esther joined Sudan Council of Churches radio studio in 1985 as drama writer, actress and producer. By 1990, she was writing original radio dramas.  Between 1985 – 2005, Esther wrote approximately 500 short scripts for radio on health and socio-economic issues affecting southerners in Sudan. These dramas were broadcast over Radio Juba and repeated to other stations in Greater Upper Nile and Greater Bahr el Ghazal. Esther has also documented and written about Lokoya folktales. She completed a master’s thesis on this subject at the School of Art, Music and Drama at Juba University, where she is currently working as a lecturer in drama. She consults on media and drama projects with national and international organizations such as Amalna South Sudan, BBC Media Action, Search for Common Ground and the Ministry of General Education. She is also affiliated with the South Sudan Theatre Organization (SSTO) and serves as a board member for Likikiri Collective. Esther facilitated the Story Circle on Lokoya songs and dances.

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